Be Careful What You Wish For !!!
Following the disappointment of not being able to attend the Tenbury Wells Show in August due to the torrential rain and gale force winds we were all hoping for a dry a sunny day for the Kington Show, well as they say be careful what you wish for because what we got was the hottest day of the year.
It was warm work putting up the gazebo, only one side and half the back to try and catch any slight breath of air, but we were all still smiling and ready to go.
If we felt the heat it was even worse for the animals.
. Shade was in short supply!!!.
Visitors picked up once judging started and the show ring got busy where a quad bike jumped £300,000 worth of Listers Land Rovers;
We received a number of enquiries about the Club and sales soon followed.
Demonstrating on the lathe was popular, especially with the young future generation of turners and farmers.
Thanks to all those who gave items for us to sell and came along and helped.
The next show is the Leominster Christmas Market, hope to see you there.