What is a Privacy Policy?
A Privacy Policy, also known as a Privacy Statement, explains what information Herefordshire Woodturners hold about members, why we hold it, how we protect it and how members can have their information removed from our files should they so wish.
What Information is held and Why?
The privacy and confidentiality of our membership’s personal details, especially regarding electronically stored data of the same, are of prime concern to the Herefordshire Woodtumers Club. We keep a database of our membership’s personal details which contains the member’s name, postal address, AWGB membership number, phone number(s) if given, email address if given and lastly, subscription status. This is regularly updated and is only kept by the Membership Secretary on a dedicated computer which runs a commercial anti-virus system and has its operating system auto-updated by Microsoft. The Secretary has a copy of the data held under the same conditions for the purposes of communicating with members and mailing out internal publicity. The database is not distributed to, or shared with, any other committee members.
The database is regularly updated and the details of all members who leave the club are removed as soon as the Membership Secretary is aware of the fact. New members are added within a few days of joining. All general mailing to the membership will be sent as blind copies in order to avoid disclosing the list to members. Any of our members are welcome to verify, change, remove or delete their data that is held on the database by simply contacting the Membership Secretary via an email. This will be actioned and confirmation sent back to the member.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We believe that by having joined the Herefordshire Woodturners Club and supplied contact details to the Membership Secretary our use of that data falls within the “Legitimate Interests” justification of GDPR.
“Legitimate Interest is likely to be most appropriate where you use people’s data in ways they would reasonably expect and which have a minimal privacy impact, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing.”
Should any member not wish to receive regular updates on club activities the Membership Secretary should be asked to remove them from the mailing list. Their details will however still be retained in the membership database for the purposes of membership renewal unless the member indicates that they wish to leave the club. New members will be asked to confirm that they wish to receive email communications at the point of joining the club and all will be required to confirm their consent periodically.
Brian Ford
December 2023
If you would like a copy of this policy in PDF format please email us via the Contact Us page.