Our October demonstrator was Paul Hannaby, Paul started the demonstration by turning a bowl. He mounted a black poplar bowl blank onto a 8mm screw chuck and used a 1/2″ spindle gouge to turn the bowl shape, showing the difference in cutting with a pull or push cut.
He showed how to turn a bead onto the outside of the bowl by lifting and lowering the gouge, and checked the curve of the bowl profile with a flexible glue stick.
The second half of the demonstration was 3 different designs for a seasonal Christmas trees.
The first was made using a skew for a good finish when using pine, making a rolled bead on the top with the skew. This was held in gripper jaws.
The second was turned off centre, he used three centres, starting with the furthest from the centre and moving in to finish at the centre mark.
Section 4 was straight and he carved the top with a knife to finish.
The third was offset and used a skew to produce ‘V’ cuts of different widths for effect.
Paul also outlined various finishes that can be used and showed the Chestnut chart that can be used as a guide for the compatibility of finishes with one another.
The October competition was a bowl for the novices and any recently completed item of their choice from our more experienced turners.
Novice Competition Results;
1st Keith Copus
2nd Phil Kendall
3rd David Waring
Experienced Turners Results;
1st Peter Dennis
2nd Ellis Saveker
3rd Jeff Belcher & Brian Ford
Thank you to all those who entered the competition.
Our next meeting is on 30th November when the novice turners competition subject is an item using colour and/or texture.
As this is also our AGM an award will be made to the turner in each category who has achieved the most points over the year.
Look forward to seeing you all then, there will be mince pies !!!!