Club Nights – September 2023

Our September Club night was a ‘Hand On’ event and following requests from the membership we had the following;

Brian Ford demonstrating the skew chisel;

Brian demonstrated the use of the skew and various other tools that have a long cutting edge that can be used in the same way as the skew.

The skew is used for finishing cuts where plaining, making “V” cuts or beading, and facing off end grain.

Peter Dixon demonstrated hollow turning;

Peter demonstrated hollow turning with the use of various hollowing tools and set up on the lathe a beam of light to show the thickness of the final form.

Nigel Shenton – Shenton Woodcraft – Sharpening;


Nigel demonstrated tool sharpening with his version of a grinding jig in conjunction with the Oneway Wolverine grinding jig.  He used a bench grinder and a slower bench grinder with a ‘CBN’ wheel (cubic boron nitride).

Our next meeting is on Thursday 26th October and will feature Paul Hannaby on finishing – hope to see you then.